Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I've always wondered why there's a random tennis ball hanging from the ceiling in my garage.

Also I had a lovely long skype conversation with Taylor Christine Covert this afternoon. Most of our time was spent talking about how we love The Buried Life and then looking at their website, twitter, facebook and flickr pictures.

My favorite is Jonnie. Isn't he cute?


Ryan Michelle said...

People who have cars with big fronts use tennis balls as a guide for when to stop pulling forward. Like when the tennis ball hits the window, you are far enough forward so that your garage door will close, but if you go farther, you will hit the wall. Don't know if that is why that ball is there, but that is usually why.

Taylor Covert said...

oh how i LOVED our skype today!!

that picture is awesome!!! <3

Chanelle Tomiko said...

I was about to say what Ryan said. lol I love the buried life, and I love Jonnie as well :) So cute!

AWennstig said...

i have just decided to watch the buried life. i'll let you know my favorite when i can. i know the suspense will kill you but the waiting will build character. haha