Monday, April 26, 2010


Today it came. My new favorite shirt finally arrived in the mail. It was a total surprise too.
I came home from school and checked the mail just like every other day, and today I had a package. I looked at the name and it said it was from Andrew something or other from Canada. I was greatly confused. But then it clicked! They Bured Life guys are from Canada, and I ordered a shirt from them. I was so excited! I put it on right away and have been wearing it since.
#78: Fall in Love


AWennstig said...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
this is already the highlight of someday in the near future for me. i can't wait until i get mine!

Chanelle Tomiko said...

I love it!!! I want that one so badly!!